Boost Your Momentum Mentoring Group


Boost Your Momentum Mentoring Group

$225.00 every month for 3 months

Summary: Boost Your Momentum Mentoring Group

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During the six month program, you’ll participate in:

Two 90-minute sessions each month. We’ll use several session formats to help you stay in touch with the growing edge of your business, identify experiments you can use to refine your clarity, enhance your confidence, and stretch your skills while attracting and working with paying clients.

An Online Community for check-ins, brainstorming, mentoring, sharing inspiration, and unraveling hesitation to find the wisdom.

Two 2-hour Co-Working Sessions each month with members of my other Mentoring Groups.

One Virtual Retreat each quarter with members from all Mentoring Groups.

One Private Clarify Your Growing Edge Session during the four month group to surface any additional tips and strategies you can use to Boost Your Momentum. If you are still experiencing gaps in your foundation, we can talk about the best way to resolve them. (Usually $150)

Price: $225 per month for six months

This payment will be set up as a recurring payment. If you need to step away from this class for some reason, you can pause your payment until you can rejoin the group or join another group.

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